Friday, October 17, 2008

Hip hip Hurray

This is my 101th post !

i miss u, daddy mummy jiejie kor kor and yangkifi =)

im fine here. really happy here. so dont worry about me k!
Hope my yang yang gets good marks in his final exam!


Anonymous said...

hi ching cheh2, miss u so much. I started another city. Tell kor that misubishi lancer is slower than golf GTI.Dad call me PSP boy.adieus cheh. luv u

Ching Li said...

hi yang kifi!
cheh sayang u alot k.
another city?
what about yang-ching city? did u destroy it?
ok i will tell kor misubishi lancer slower than golf GTI. =)
dont play so much PSP ok? by the way, what games do u play in the PSP??

Anonymous said...

chin cheh2, the dinosaur destroyed
yang-ching city, so I've to bring a new yang-ching city. Mummy bought for me GTA and New NFS. Ok I wont play so much of GTA. Must prepare and do better in my next exam-3 nov. Bye u so much that I want to kiss u a 10000 times.

Anonymous said...

HI Cheh again, today caty is going to paris at 12:52AM.He is going to see Eiffel tower.Giraffo has a taxi which is a NISSAN SENTRA.bye cheh

Ching Li said...

what dinosaur?? i never saw any dinosaur in our house before! or is it just pretend?:) poor yang-ching city.. when i come back we build a bigger nicer one ok?
oh u have another exam ? i thought last week's exam was ur final year 1 exam.
how is caty doing in Paris? is he enjoying himself there?? hehehe.
ching cheh love u so much. come back Malaysia, ching cheh will kiss u the whole day! and sing songs with u also.