Last weekend, went to PRESTON to visit my 'kor kor' (big bro) . feel so happy seeing him! :)
Preston is basically a very very small town. like kuala kubu bharu (KKB). haha :P
but at least there is 'Topshop' there. hhehe.
i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee these!
Bread, bacon, sausages, beans, mushrooms,tomatoes and egg!
We had BBq chicken and pork! I cooked some of them! and it did'nt burn! oh yea!
and games and talk talk talk whole night! It was so fun.
Jane June, Fleur, me, Amelia, Simon from HK and Voreak from Cambodia. all of us are 3rd years!
Bro dealing the cards. We played 'ring of fire'! A card game... go figure..
Korkor's bedroom. Theme: White and Black.
Nah! his cheeks abit fatter only! :P
Byebye Preston on Sunday night!
so sad.
will come back soon.
cos the house is sooo comfortable!
Kor's room looks messy. Anyway, it was nice to see him in pictures. He looks fine. So are you. Take care.
Nice to see both of you 2gather. soo happy.Have fun and have some time to relax and socialise. Its good 2 get some networking going. We are all ok. Yang2 is having his exams now. He says he can get more than 60 marks for his chinese!!! He's so cute. You take good care and keep well. Dad luv....
MUM: ya. it was more messy when i arrived there. i helped him packed. i think he is just waiting for me to help him pack. haha.
DAD: hi dudz! hee. hope yang will do well in his exams, then he will go into a good class next year. cannot believe he finish year 1 already!! ask yang to comment on my blog also. take care of everybody. ching luv.
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